04 Oct 2018

AAA Recommendations launched

A significant milestone has been reached, with the release of the “Acknowledge. Act. Advance.” recommendations from the Nusa Dua Forum 2018.

1 minute read

The AAA Recommendations were endorsed by government and business at the Nusa Dua Forum in August 2018. This is a significant milestone, being the first major policy document agreed between the private and public sector to tackle issues of modern slavery and related exploitation in the region.

It is a sign that increasingly leaders from around the Indo Pacific are listening and beginning to act. Now is the time to drive forward practical impact from the opportunities generated during the next crucial phase of implementation of the AAA.




You can read the Official Ministerial Declaration here.  The key elements of the ministerial declaration for the Government and Business Forum include:

  • Confirming that the Forum is now a permanent additional track of the Bali Process
  • Commending the efforts of businesses attending, who are leading by example, and to using their influence to enhance collaboration with government and catalyse action
  • Endorsing the AAA Recommendations
  • Recognising the diverse backgrounds of Bali Process members, and that action needs to be tailored to individual country and industry contexts and capacities.
  • Valued that business and government each bring different perspectives and approaches, and can learn much from one another.